
Showing posts from June, 2020

Lost In the Deep...

The PDF that can be found here:  ;  Now only $4 USD it’s a steal! The story so far... “ You are the last survivor of a band of dwarven warriors who have come to the lost halls of the Kingdom Under the Mother Mountain, to retake it and rebuild it in the name of your ancestors. After months of wandering the almost endless halls of the dwarven ruins, your band unwittingly set free an ancient evil that lay asleep for generations, and one-by-one, it killed your companions in the most terrifying ways possible.   Now you are lost in the depths of earth, registering your history in the diary of your people. You search for an exit from the mines, but all you can find are endless halls and the damned creatures serving that Evil in the Shadows that awakened and destroyed your people.   Everyday you count your last remaining torches and meals, wander through the infinite halls and mines, and write your memories in your ...