Falling in love again...

King Arthur Pendragon, or KAP for short, is a game system that was not on my radar at all. When I started looking into this game I became smitten.

Written by the late Greg Stafford, the legendary game designer of RuneQuest and Glorantha, KAP is considered a critically masterpiece in game design. To say that this RPG garners a relatively niche but passionate group of followers is an understatement. Gamers that discovered this game are still recounting to heroic deeds of their knight in the time of the Arthurian legend.

A blurb from the publisher, Chaosium...

"Relive the grandeur, romance and adventure of the greatest of all legends — the story of King Arthur. Assume the role of a knight starting his career in the time of Uther Pendragon, undertaking quests and perilous adventures for your lord, for your lady-love, for the Church, or for your own glory. Win great renown with your laudable deeds and feats of arms, perhaps even winning the right to carve your name into the Round Table itself as the story of Arthur and Camelot unfolds around you"

My first impression of the core book is that is a well organized quality tome with amazing artwork. I will do a more in-depth review once I get a few solo sessions-in, but for now call me very impressed.

The KAP core book is packed with English history covering courtly customs, religion, and the politics of the time. For a more thorough and in-depth view there is a fantastic YouTube series by Logician Tim - Book Review .

Stay tuned for a more detailed review.

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