The journey begins...

The road less travelled...

The "Dark Albion - The Rose War" setting, created by the talented RPGPundit, has inspired me to run a gritty and dark medieval campaign. For well over a year now, this superb setting has been sitting on a bookshelf, begging to be read, to be scrutinized and to be the inspiration for countless adventures.

I have been a long time RPG player and GM/Judge/DM. I play mostly with a diverse online crowd on Google Hangouts. Dungeon Crawl Classics has been my go-to game of choice when it comes to roleplaying games. The publishing of Dark Albion, and most recently Lion & Dragon, has rekindled my OSR flame.  The Lion & Dragon is an OSR rulebook specifically designed to reinforce the medieval gritty setting of Dark Albion brought to life but RPGPundit. 

Why solo play? I find solo playing to be most beneficial for immersion, creativity, and unbounded gaming possibilities. Obviously, you can get the same benefit from a group, but a clear disadvantage is finding the time and consistent gameplay over time.  We're all busy adults with busy lives, but the lure of adventure still burns brightly in all of us.

Fortunately for me, the Lone Wolf Roleplaying Google+ community covers the tools and methodologies used for solo adventuring. Check out the "Actual Play" reports and experience what the buzz is all about. Your second stop, as a solo adventurer, should be the die heart website. This site offers a multitude of helpful RPG related reviews, advice and resources.

A quick disclaimer; I have not been paid, nor am I affiliated with DOM Publishing and RPGPundit. I just love this setting and the fantastic supporting materials produced for this setting (see RPGPundit Presents).

This blog will be the official record of my journeys as a solo adventurer, specifically immersed in a dark and grim medieval setting that is Dark Albion, and other excellent retro clones... Let's begin, shall we?

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