Lion and Dragon, character creation...

Lion and Dragon, character creation...

In Lion & Dragon creating a character is a straightforward affair:

Step 1 - Roll for ability scores... 
Roll a 3d6 dice in order and then add the modifiers. Here we go... 
  • Strength 9 (0)
  • Dexterity 12 (0)
  • Constitution 15 (+1)
  • Intelligence 10 (0)
  • Wisdom 11 (0)
  • Charisma 9 (0)
So, a pretty average character with an excellent constitution, decent dexterity and wisdom. 

Step 2 - Select ethnic background...
This character could be a Scott or Cymri if I so choose. I am deferring the decision for now, but I am leaning towards Anglish ancestry.

Step 3a - Roll a social class...
Rolling a 2d6 dice on the "Social Class" table on page 4. I rolled a 6, a villain (city-born). My character has 75% of getting a plus +1 bonus to urban lore.

Step 3b - Roll a background skill...
Rolling a 1d100 dice on the "Trade" table. I rolled a 40, a Fruiter (a person that grows fruit). I am envisioning being born into a family whose trade was growing fruits and selling them at a small local market.

Step 3c - Prior history...
Pages 5-8 contain the "Prior Events" tables. This will give us a chance to introduce a backstory, and create the characters motivation for adventuring. Starting with a 1d6 roll, I rolled a 6, roll on"Subtable C". 

"Subtable C" requires a 1d10 dice roll. I rolled a 3, "Lady's Favorite".  In short, the PC became favorite of an aging, childless noble-woman; Lady Esmeralda DeWic gave the PC a small fortune and some Lordly connections. Intriguing,  I will add this tidbit to the prologue.

Step 3d - Names...
Pages 9-10 of the Lion & Dragon contain several names tables. A 1d100 roll produced a 12, Arthur.  I am changing the name to the more medieval looking, Aerthur.

Step 4 - Selecting Class
This is a zero level character but if he survives, I am leaning towards playing a cleric or thief. We'll see what path young Aerthur will take.

Step 5 - Generating 0 level statics
Let's give young Arthur some more stats...
  • Hit points start at 1d6 hit points plus CON. I rolled a 4 + 1 CON, Arthur is at HP = 5
  • Language(s): Anglish
  • Combat bonus: 0
  • Saving Throw: 16
Step 6a - Alignment...
I am deferring this choice for a bit. If Aerthur is to become a cleric he will need to be lawful. An ever abiding member of the Church of the Unconquered Sun; However, he may become a scavenger, thief-type with either a neutral or chaotic alignment.

Step 6b - Age and appearance...
Let's make young Aerthur a fourteen-year-old boy,  5'9" rather muscular, blue eyes and long blondish hair, dressed in simple villain clothing.

Let's move to Step 7 - Wealth and equipment...
  • Starting coin: 150p + an additional 100sh (1sh = 10p) The inheritance from Lady Esmeralda, a  veritable fortune.
  • Ending coin: 1,150p - 557 equipment = 593p
  • Weapons: 
    • Dagger dmg 1d4, +2 initiative
    • Quarter staff (metal tip) dmg 1d6 
    • Longbow (25 arrows) dmg 1d8 
  • Armor: brigandine (AC 14/15**)  **vs ranged attacks, -1 DEX

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